Cisco ASA | DDoS flood protection
How to prevent Cisco ASA from DDoS flooding.
I´ve found a very good rule-set at a cisco Forum and modified them for my needs.
Example via Cisco ASA CLI:
class-map CONNS-MAP
match any
policy-map CONNS-POLICY
set connection conn-max 1000 embryonic-conn-max 1000 per-client-max 300 per-client-embryonic-max 300
set connection timeout embryonic 0:05:00 half-closed 0:05:00 tcp 0:05:00 dcd
service-policy CONNS-POLICY interface outside
threat-detection basic-threat
threat-detection scanning-threat shun except ip-address myip
threat-detection scanning-threat shun except ip-address
threat-detection scanning-threat shun except ip-address
threat-detection scanning-threat shun except ip-address insideserverip
threat-detection scanning-threat shun duration 3600
no threat-detection statistics access-list
no threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept
In the first section you set the maximum Connections. This you can also configure in ASDM under Configuration –> Firewall –> Service Policy Rules
Embryonic (Half-opened) connection: An embryonic connection is a TCP connection request that has not finished the necessary handshake between source and destination. [H]:[min]:[sec]
Half-closed connection: A Half closed connection is when the connection is only closed in one direction by sending FIN. However, TCP session is still maintained by peer. [H]:[min]:[sec]
Per-client-embryonic-max: The maximum number of simultaneous embryonic connections allowed per client, between 0 and 65535. The default is 0, which allows unlimited connections.
Per-client-max: The maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed per client, between 0 and 65535. The default is 0, which allows unlimited Connections.
In the second section you can define networks which are excluded from threat detection. For example all you inside networks or any other outside monitoring ip. In ASDM you can find this under Configuration –> Firewall –> Threat Detection
Good luck and happy protection