
SSLLabs 100% in all sections Ubuntu Nginx and LetsEncrypt

#Certificate Section

Simple… just make sure your cert and chain are in the correct order and SHA256 certificates

#Protocol Support Section

TLS1.2 or stronger are necessary for

Needed entry in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf – http section

ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;


A few parts are necessary to reach this:

Part 1: Use a 4096-bit RSA or secp256 or higher Certifcate

Example (RSA):
certbot --rsa-key-size 4096 -(other-arguments) _

Part 2: Enable ecdh curves in Nginx (set in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf – http section)

ssl_ecdh_curve secp521r1:secp384r1;

Part 3: Somtimes Part 1 and 2 are enough, but also sometimes you need part 3 too –> stronger DHParam file –> see my post


Important is here that currently with activated TLS1.3 you wont get 100% SSLLabs Score.

Reason behind this that in OpenSSL there is still a 128bit cipher that prevents that. “Problem” is also that in the current TLS1.3 RFC this cipher is mandatory.

To reach the 100% Cipher Strength you have two Options:

Option 1: Manually remove this 128bit cipher from OpenSSL for TLS1.3 = you have a non RFC compliant TLS1.3 Webserver. Needed openssl.cnf is located at /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf but i wont share a solution here to break an RFC 😉

Option 2: Don`t use TLS1.3 – is not a general recommendation from my side. just the hint if you want a 100% score

So my cipher section looks like this to reach the 100% cipher score:

Set in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf – http section

    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;