
Microsoft Exchange | Shell | Calendar Rights

Mostly every user uses their Exchange/Outlook Calendar.

Sometimes it is necessary to set calendar rights to get the aviability to set any entry (example: Third party Software which manages vacation entrys, sicknes, business trips,.. by each users).

So you had to edit every user calendar and set the proper rights to any other (service)account. Here is a script how to do this through Exchange Management Shell.

In my Example I will get all User Mailboxes and then I give the AD Security Group Named “KALENDER-EDIT-BOOKIT” Editor rights on each Mailbox.

foreach ($Mailbox in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited)) { Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name):\Kalender" -AccessRights Editor -User KALENDER-EDIT-BOOKIT }